Tanker Safety award for Hanson Cement

Company recognized for exceptional commitment to tanker safety at 2016 Tip-ex and Tank-ex awards
HANSON UK’s meticulous approach to vehicle safety was recognized with a Tanker Safety Award at the recent 2016 Tip-ex and Tank-ex awards, where the company scooped the gong for Tanker Safety.
The award, given for improving safety in a particular area of tanker operations, was for the development of an integrated emergency shut-down system.
Hanson’s specially adapted ‘Run Lock’ system operates in conjunction with the already-specified Pulse lighting system to enable the operation of the tanker with the tractor unit running and the cab doors locked – while allowing full control of the emergency shutdown system to be maintained.
By linking the communication systems between the trailer and the tractor unit, this initiative means that if any of the four stop buttons are pressed on the tanker, the emergency shutdown is initiated.
Paul Bailey, fleet engineer with Hanson Cement, said: ‘It is great to be recognized by our peers in the industry for the continued steps we are making with vehicle safety. This integrated approach enhances the overall safety of the tankers and has already been incorporated into the specification for our 14 new tankers to be delivered this year.’