Two more new faces at MPQC

Mineral Products Qualification Council welcomes two new apprentices to the team
THE Mineral Products Qualifications Council (MPQC) has taken on two new team members to assist the MP Skills and the Shared Services arms of the business with a diverse range of undertakings.
Joining the MP Skills team is Olivia Keats, who will be taking on the role of sales and marketing apprentice. This will see her assisting the sales manager and business development co-ordinator with a multitude of tasks involved with the selling/promotion of the various training courses and vocational qualifications on offer to the mineral extractives industry.
‘I’m looking forward to learning more about the business,’ said Ms Keats. ‘I don’t know a great deal about the quarrying or extractives industry, so learning more about it and how we all work together is going to be interesting.’
De-Andre Bailey-Clarke joins the MP Futures team as the Shared Services apprentice. As well as developing a strong working knowledge of MPQC’s bespoke Nexus software, Mr Bailey-Clarke will also be supporting the Shared Services function by getting involved with an array of tasks across the other divisions of the business.
‘I’m really excited about joining MPQC and working more closely with everyone,’ he said. ‘Having finished my GCSEs last year, I found that the traditional education route wasn’t for me and an apprenticeship was a much better option.’
In addition to acting as a training provider for apprenticeships, MPQC itself employed two apprentices in 2018, both of whom are now in full-time roles with the organization and said to be making great headway in their careers.
The minimum age for an apprentice is 16 but there is no upper age limit. Apprenticeships are not just aimed at entry-level employees, but anyone who wants to further their career or change direction, as long as there is a significant change in role.
For more information on the different types of apprenticeships available through MP Skills, visit: