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Save time, save money, stay safe, with the Contractor Safety Passport

Ensuring you have competent, safety-aware workers on your sites is a serious responsibility that also makes great business sense. Bringing in contractors to the workplace means spending time on a proper induction, so that your hard-won safety culture is protected and advanced. But, ‘time is money’, so how can you streamline your safety inductions to maximize the time spent on the job without compromising your commitment to safety?

Engaging people with a Contractor Safety Passport provides you with the reassurance that you are hiring someone with good safety knowledge and the right attitude to working safely. That allows you to focus on a site-and-task-specific induction, reduce the amount of time spent on that induction, and increase productivity.

Recent figures show in excess of 4,000 contractors have successfully completed the MPQC/SPA Contractor Safety Passport since the new scheme rolled out in March 2013. The new Passport carries with it a QCF qualification and is well supported by more than 60 approved and quality-assured trainers across the UK.


The scheme supports the Drive to Target Zero and promotes the creation of safe workplaces everywhere. A Passport demonstrates a common standard of knowledge, creating a benchmark for our industries and reinforcing our commitment to zero harm.

The two-day Contractor Safety Passport course was created by the mineral products sector, ensuring a working knowledge is provided across the range of sites and activities: quarries, recycling, waste, concrete, mortar, cement and asphalt plants, factories, wharfs, depots, warehouses and surface mines.

Every three years people must pass a one-day refresher course in order to renew the Passport, ensuring that all contractors maintain an up-to-date working knowledge throughout their career.

To find out more about the Contractors Safety Passport, visit: Details of upcoming courses can be found on the SPA website,


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