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Safety first at Jet Plant Hire

Tina Greenhill, business improvement director at Jet Plant, collects the prestigious Investors in People Award Tina Greenhill, business improvement director at Jet Plant, collects the prestigious Investors in People Award

UK road-planing contractor sets the standard for safety and compliance with no fewer than 19 accreditations and memberships

SAFETY and compliance remain top of the highway industry agenda and Jet Plant Hire Ltd, one of the UK’s leading road-planing contractors, are raising the bar with a renowned safety and quality culture driven from the top of the business.

The company has no fewer than 19 accreditations and memberships, demonstrating its commitment to safety, employees, quality, and compliance across all levels of the organization. 


Jet Plant’s dedication to health and safety excellence encompasses internal processes and external accreditations to drive standards and accountability across the business, with directors responsible for HSEQ (Health, safety, environment, and quality) objectives and targets.

Andy Williams, HSEQ manager at Jet Plant, said: ‘This is more than box ticking – it’s a real commitment driven by our directors to maintain the highest standards across HSEQ. We recognize the importance of safety and compliance, not only to our performance but to that of our clients too.  We’ve implemented a series of internal practices, including annual management reviews, a yearly conference for all employees with a specific focus on HSEQ, and monthly HSQ and environmental management meetings with operations and contract managers.

‘We’ve introduced a structured incident reporting and investigation process, independent external audits to check standards, and regular inspections of plant and vehicles. All on top of rigorous training programmes and the everyday safety tasks and practices that you would expect.

It’s a tremendously robust programme, designed to minimize risk and enhance quality across every step of our organization. And the results show, with consistently good performance in all our safety KPIs.’

Jet Plant hold ISO 45001 accreditation for road planing and associated activities and have won RoSPA Gold Awards for seven consecutive years for both health and safety performance and fleet safety. In addition, the company’s ISO 14001:2015 certification demonstrates its environmental management system and performance, while the Investors in People accreditation shows the business's commitment to its employees.


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