MP Skills receives Ofsted report for apprentice programmes

New government department report on apprenticeships in mineral extractives sector set to be published
A NEW Ofsted report on one of the leading providers of apprenticeships within the extractives and mineral processing sector, Mineral Products Qualifications Council (MPQC), is to be published later this week.
All new apprenticeship providers are monitored by Ofsted to ensure the provision meets agreed standards and are fit for purpose. From October 2018, Ofsted carried out monitoring visits to all newly directly funded providers of apprenticeship training provision, which began to be funded from April 2017 or after by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and/or the apprenticeship levy.
Ofsted conducted a new provider monitoring visit with MPQC as part of those arrangements and as outlined in the 'Further education and skills inspection handbook', especially the sections entitled 'Monitoring visits', and 'Monitoring visits to providers that are newly directly publicly funded'.
Neil Peacock, general manager at MP Skills, commented: ‘We have been working hard within the extractive industry to encourage the adoption of apprenticeships in order to safeguard the future workforce within the sector and provide career opportunities for young people.
‘The average age within the sector is high and of concern and therefore it is essential that good quality apprenticeships are available to future generations. We are especially pleased with the Ofsted report and its many positive comments about our level two mineral processing mobile and static plant operator standard.’
Ofsted’s assessment is that MPQC has made reasonable progress in three key areas namely: meeting all the requirements of successful apprenticeship provision; providing high-quality training leading to positive outcomes for apprentices; and ensuring effective safeguarding is in place for apprentices.
The report also commented that ‘managers and learning mentors have developed a detailed and suitable programme of training’ and that ‘apprentices are recruited with integrity’.
MP Skills is the independent training division of MPQC and runs an extensive range of training and health and safety courses for workers and companies within the extractive sector.