Low-cost bagging system
Chronos BTH Ltd’s Chrono-Weigh H17E electronic bagging weigher provides an entry-level bagging machine for companies that are looking to increase the accuracy of their bagging process.
The new electronic bagging weigher operates on a gross weighing principle and is a fully automatic bagger with a pneumatically operated bag spout for manual bag placing. The H17E is controlled by the SpeedAC NXT high-accuracy weighing controller.
Downstream of the H17E, equipment supply can include transfer conveyors with stitcher, bag kicker and manual palletizing conveyor; or in some installations robot palletizing systems. Solutions for individual plant operating requirements and be engineered by Chronos BTH.
The Chrono-Weigh H17E automatic bagging weigher has a full load-cell design and is suitable for bagging a range of free-flowing materials into various types of open-mouth bag. Compatible for existing H17 mechanical weigher installations, the H17E can be retrofitted without major modifications to existing support steelwork.
Chronos BTH Ltd, Unit 1 Centurion Business Park, Blenheim Industrial Estate, Nottingham NG6 8WN; tel: (0115) 935 1351.