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Controlling dust pollution with Dustfighter

Towerlight DustFighter

Dust pollution on demolition sites, particularly in urban areas, has long been a problem for the industry, especially during the summer months. So, when Leicester-based AR Demolition Ltd were awarded a contract to clear a site in Leicester city centre, it immediately became apparent that controlling the air quality in the neighbourhood would require individual attention. 

The contractor sought expert advice and contacted ACE Plant of Milton Keynes – a company widely respected throughout the UK for its knowledge and expertise in dust- suppression equipment. 

‘We have a wide range of dust-prevention products within our fleet,’ said Keith Whitlock of ACE Plant. ‘When AR Demolition explained their predicament, we recommended the Dustfighter DF7500MPT, as this unit combines powerful water spread in an entirely self-contained unit, alleviating the need to connect to mains power or mains water.’


The Dustfighter was delivered to the site and became an instant success, quelling the dust residue around the site, keeping the area clean and free from dust pollution during the demolition process. 

The self-contained dust-suppression unit produces a fine mist of water through a series of high-pressure jets. The mist is propelled on to the site by a powerful fan, covering a wide area and rendering it free from unhealthy and hazardous material. Power is provided by an on-board, super-silenced generator and the complete unit is fitted on a road-towable trailer. 

A spokesman for AR Demolition said: ‘We first came across the concept of fine water dust-suppression around three years ago, but we were never convinced that a machine that mixed mains water and mains electricity was the answer. However, when ACE Plant introduced the Dustfighter to us we were immediately satisfied that this is a good solution to tackling the airborne dust challenges we are faced with in our industry.’

The Dustfighter DF7500MPT is manufactured in Italy by Milan-based DF Ecology and distributed in the UK by TowerLight UK Ltd. The dust-suppression unit is constructed from high-quality materials and is designed for easy and quick maintenance without the need for any additional or ancillary equipment. 

Since delivery of the Dustfighter equipment, AR Demolition have benefitted from uninterrupted operation and wider environmental gains, including: minimal dust residue; reduced water usage; lower exhaust fumes; and quieter operation through a sound-proofed, metal canopy.

Paul Hay, international sales manager for TowerLight UK, concluded: ‘With health and safety officials throughout Europe stringently enforcing the control of hazardous material on sites, the demand for dust-control units are set to grow rapidly over the coming months.’


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