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Bell dumptrucks for Ben Bennett Jr

Two fourth-generation articulated dumptrucks from Bell Equipment have been delivered to Ben Bennett Jr Ltd’s Grange Mill Quarry, near Wirksworth, in Derbyshire.

The 30-tonne B30D machines are primarily being used to shift limestone from the quarry face to the crusher. Each dumptruck hauls up to 8,000 tonnes of material a week, which has impressed quarry manager Andy Rawson.

‘The Bell trucks are very reliable,’ he said. ‘The payload is good, their fuel-economy is excellent, and the cabs are very driver-friendly. They’re also very versatile for us, as we need to shift muck and soil as well. We’ve had no problems working with the hard rock, and the dumptrucks provide a good tip into the crusher chute.’


Mr Rawson is also pleased with Bell Equipment’s after-sales customer service. ‘We get a very quick response from Bell — they often turn up within about one and a half hours of the call-out,’ he commented. ‘I can’t fault Bell’s back-up or the availability of spare parts.’


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