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The waste market in GB – an industry overview

C&D waste recycling

BDS Marketing Research publish update to waste market report first published in 2008

THE waste market in Great Britain has changed immeasurably over the last two decades. From a time when landfill was the sole channel as a solution for the management of waste, today a whole range of processing and treatment technologies and solutions have created sub-markets all competing for waste feedstocks, with landfill now considered the last resort.

To help put some context around how the market has evolved, largely as a result of a strong and continuously evolving legislative framework, the technologies that have developed, analysis of waste streams and tonnages, and the companies involved in the industry, BDS Marketing Research Ltd have provided an update to a report first published in 2008.


The new report provides:

  • A legislative view from both a European and domestic perspective
  • Analysis of waste arisings in Great Britain
  • Review of 13 treatment and disposal technologies and their influence on the market
  • A summary of all waste authority contracts for the collection, treatment and disposal of municipal waste
  • Details of the main companies operating in the market
  • Latest information on major new planning activity for new waste facilities and other industry developments.

BDS say the report provides a strategic overview of the market that will be of value to companies operating in a single sub-sector, suppliers of services and plant, companies looking to get involved in the market and other industry observers. For further details, contact Andy Sales at BDS via email:; or tel: (01761) 433035.


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