RoSPA Gold Award for Terex Trucks

Dumptruck manufacturer picks up fifth consecutive RoSPA award for health and safety achievements
MOTHERWELL-based Terex Trucks are celebrating after landing an internationally recognized RoSPA award for demonstrating high health and safety standards.
Having secured a Silver Award for four consecutive years, this year Terex Trucks received a RoSPA Gold Health and Safety Award, despite it having been a particularly challenging year with many changes in health and safety.
Karen Anne Duffy (pictured), Terex Trucks’ health, safety, environment, and sustainability manager, said: ‘We have always taken health and safety very seriously at Terex Trucks, and the events of 2020 reinforced the need to safeguard our employees’ health, safety and mental health, whether they were working on site, from home or on furlough.
‘We increased communications throughout 2020 and made increased use of social media to keep everyone involved, up to date and engaged, as well as letting team members know what to expect when returning to the site.
‘We are thrilled to be recognized with a Gold award from RoSPA – our fifth consecutive award. It’s testament to the support and involvement of the whole team and the genuine care that they have for each other.
‘As a heavy manufacturing business, health, safety and mental health will always be a priority for us, and with the support and understanding of our management team, our working environment remains a safe place to be.’
Julia Small, RoSPA’s achievements director, commented: ‘RoSPA is very proud of the achievements of its entrants, and with this [Gold] award we recognize the best of the best, those organizations that have gone the extra mile, raising the bar for the delivery of safety in the workplace.’
Staff from Terex Trucks will be presented with their award during a virtual ceremony in September.