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Raymond Brown site reaches environmental milestone

Staff at Raymond Brown's Chilton site

Staff at Chilton waste transfer station receive annual environmental award

THE efforts of staff at Raymond Brown Minerals & Recycling’s Chilton site, in Oxfordshire, have recently been rewarded with the presentation of the company’s annual environmental award.  

The accolade recognized the progress that has been made at the site since it was acquired by Raymond Brown in May 2012. The milestone was reached when the legacy of a large stockpile of imported waste was finally reprocessed to recover soils and construction aggregates.


In the past year Raymond Brown have secured approval for an extension to the waste transfer station in order to increase the production capacity for aggregates. The business has also achieved the ISO 14001 environmental accreditation, and major strides have been made in restoring the landfilled railway cutting adjoining the site.

In presenting the award to site manager Simon Dopson, Raymond Brown group chief executive Kelvin White said that he was very proud of the team effort by all those involved in reaching the standard achieved at Chilton.


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