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Planned anaerobic digestion plants on the increase

Waste facilities planning consents

BDS announce findings from analysis of waste-planning database of schemed submitted in 2015

MORE than one in three planning developments in 2015 for waste facilities related to anaerobic digestion plants. This compares with around 30% in 2014 and less than a quarter in the previous year. This conclusion is from an analysis of BDS Marketing’s waste-planning database of schemes submitted in 2015.

‘Anaerobic digestion plants can vary in size from less than 10,000 tonnes a year for farm use, to more than 100,000 tonnes a year for wider commercial use’ said Julian Clapp, consultant at BDS. ‘These are often developed by specialist companies, rather than the traditional waste-management businesses. We have also seen an increase in the number of recycled aggregates schemes coming forward, including those treating incinerator bottom ash.’


BDS picked up around 520 planning applications and consents in 2015 relating to waste-management facilities. These involved a wide range of sites, from MRFs, landfill sites, composting and HWRCs, to more specialist plants handling glass, metal, wood and end-of-life vehicles. The number was down on the more than 600 schemes in the previous year.

The number of successful applicants was also down in 2015. The consultancy found that just over a half of applications were consented, compared with around 60% of applications in 2014, and around 20% of applications remained outstanding at the end of the year.

BDS also found that 15% of applications were either withdrawn or refused. It seems that applicants who took a planning decision to appeal had a 50–50 chance of success in 2015 – out of 21 appeal decisions, the Inspector found in favour of the applicant in 10 cases.

The monthly waste-planning report is available on subscription by contacting Andy Sales at BDS Marketing on tel: (01761) 433035; or email:


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