MPQC taking over SSO role from Proskills

Mineral Products Qualifications Council to become the industry’s new Standards Setting Organisation
FOLLOWING the withdrawal of government funding, Proskills has ceased to be a Sector Skills Council – although it will continue to function for certain industries.
After a number of meetings with industry across the extractives and mineral products sector, it has been agreed that the essential work of representation of these industries, and of being a Standards Setting Organisation (SSO), will be transferred to the Mineral Products Qualifications Council (MPQC), with effect from 1 September 2012.
As the new SSO for the extractives and mineral products sector, MPQC will represent its industries’ interests to government and other key agencies in all matters related to education, training and qualifications.
MPQC is supported by all the main sector trade associations in becoming a formal SSO, marking an important step in ensuring the continuing development of, and access to, high-quality sector-specific education, training and qualifications.
MPQC and the industry will work together to forecast the skills needs of the industry and to develop skills solutions that are fit for purpose.
With a proven track record and a vast amount of previous experience in these areas, having previously been a recognized National Training Organisation, MPQC is well placed to drive forward the standards necessary to meet the industries’ target of ensuring a fully competent workforce at all levels, which will lead to the achievement of real business benefits.
As an SSO, MPQC will also provide ongoing access to National Occupational Standards, careers information, apprenticeships, guidance on workforce development and any opportunities for accessing funding. It will also be the single source representing the views and ambitions of the sector to government and its various agencies.
For further information contact Phil James, chief executive officer of MPQC, on: (07896) 686311.