MPQC announces its first BIG Event

Mineral Products Qualifications Council to host inaugural BIG Event at MP House in Nottingham
THE Mineral Products Qualifications Council has announced its inaugural ‘BIG Event’ on Thursday 29 November at MP House, Eastwood, Nottingham.
Attractions at the BIG Event will include: MPQC’s new mobile plant simulators, which can benefit businesses through training and improved fuel-efficient operations; the Minerals Matter project, which aims to attract people into the sector; plus taster sessions of MPQC’s new courses and information on the new range of IEMA environmental courses.
Representatives from MP Skills and the University of Derby will also be on hand to answer levy and apprenticeship questions at an Apprenticeship Surgery, whilst the Institute of Quarrying’s Skills Wheel will, for the first time, feature MP Skills courses, making it easier than ever for people to develop their skills and career. As well as being able to navigate through MPQC’s courses and the Skills Wheel via a brand-new interactive Course Finder screen, visitors will also have the chance to experience a blast using the EPC augmented reality Virtual Blast.
Some of the event’s attractions will count towards CPD, which can be logged via the MPQC CPD App. Guest exhibitors will include, among others, The Institute of Quarrying, EPC-UK and the University of Derby. For further details about the first ever MPQC Big Event and an invitation, email: