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MPA: Industrial Strategy risks being ‘a missed opportunity’

The MPA believes the UK Government’s draft Industrial Strategy risks missing huge opportunities for growth and decarbonization The MPA believes the UK Government’s draft Industrial Strategy risks missing huge opportunities for growth and decarbonization

Association concerned draft Industrial Strategy fails to detail vital role of foundation industries

THE UK Government’s draft Industrial Strategy risks missing huge opportunities for growth and decarbonization, according to the Mineral Products Association (MPA).

Representing a £22 billion sector producing essential materials for UK construction and manufacturing, the MPA has expressed concern that the Government’s draft Industrial Strategy, published today (14 October), fails to detail the vital role foundation industries will play in the development of growth-driving sectors.


The MPA has already called for an Industrial Strategy that delivers growth and decarbonization, streamlining mineral planning and providing certainty in the infrastructure pipeline to boost investment. Measures to counter carbon leakage and the pressures to deindustrialize the UK are also sought by the MPA, which fears its recommendations are being overlooked as the draft Industrial Strategy largely looks at carbon only as an issue in energy, not industry.

Dr Diana Casey, executive director for climate change at the MPA, said: ‘Mineral products literally form the foundations for economic development. Our sector also provides more than 80,000 high-quality, well-paid jobs for working people, contributes £8 billion in gross value added (GVA), supports regional growth, and is already playing a key role in energy security and the transition towards Net Zero, especially decarbonizing the built environment.

‘Net zero is a major opportunity for growth in the mineral products industry, with capacity for carbon capture and storage a clear natural advantage for the UK if the opportunity is seized in sectors such as cement and lime.

‘While the Industrial Strategy mentions ‘foundation industries’, such as those represented by our members, and refers to the infrastructure built with the materials produced by our sector, it misses the opportunity to support these foundation industries to grow and decarbonize simultaneously.’

Robert McIlveen, senior director for communications and public affairs at the MPA, said: ‘Significant mineral resources will be required to drive growth, an area where the UK has both strong capabilities and untapped potential. These resources will support every sector of the economy as it adapts, grows, and seizes future opportunities.

‘We have a well-established track record in long-term stability and on-the-ground delivery, with resilient and largely domestic supply chains. Yet persistent issues in mineral planning continue to be a barrier to investment, while failures in infrastructure delivery further deter growth. For the Industrial Strategy to succeed, the Government needs to prioritize effective strategic planning and delivery to unlock the full potential of the UK economy.

‘We recognize this is an initial strategy document and we’ll be sure to submit a robust response to make a strong case to government for putting foundation sectors at the heart of the strategy in its final version.’


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