More CASE machines for Yorkshire-based waste operator

Biowise take delivery of three new G-Series wheel loaders for use at new in-vessel composting facility
BIOWISE have opened a new state-of-the-art in-vessel composting (IVC) facility, near Crewe, in Cheshire, to provide a fast and efficient waste-recycling service to the local authority by reprocessing waste into high-quality compost products, including a PAS 100-certified fertilizer.
For the efficient handling of waste and compost on site, the company – which operates and trades under the name Wastewise – has purchased three new CASE G-Series wheel loader models: the 721G; 821G; and 821GXR.
A crucial part of the waste-recycling process is the loading of compost into 8m wide and 3m long concrete IVC tunnels followed by the hauling of waste for further stabilization and screening.
The CASE 721G wheel loader is located within the IVC reception hall and loads the tunnels with up to 350 tonnes of compost a day. The 821G and 721GXR machines are positioned outside the facility, emptying the tunnels and shifting the materials for shredding and screening.
Having experienced success with previously purchased CASE wheel loaders, Steve Wardell, finance director for Wastewise, had no qualms in ordering the latest batch of CASE machines for use at the new IVC facility.
‘We already had four CASE F-series wheel loaders in operation at our Willerby IVC Facility [near Hull], so we were already confident that these machines were up to the job,’ he commented.
The IVC facility, which is said to utilize the sector-leading and proven Dutch-based ‘Gicom’ technology, provides a two-stage pasteurization and maturation process, initially heating the incoming waste using forced aeration to kill all harmful pathogens and then maturing it over a period of several weeks under optimum controlled conditions to produce a PAS 100-certified compost and soil improver.
It is then screened and separated to complete the transformation from waste to product in six weeks. Wastewise have also signed a product support contract with authorized CASE dealers Warwick Ward, who will ensure the loading shovels are regularly serviced and maintained using genuine manufacturer parts.
‘The design of the CASE wheel loader is what sets it apart for this application,’ said Ashley Ward, managing director of Warwick Ward. ‘By using the engine as the counterbalance, the weight of the machine is reduced, thereby lowering fuel consumption.
‘Normally, our customers benefit from competitive machine pricing, but it is the low total cost of ownership that makes the difference in the long term and it’s hard to beat a CASE wheel loader on operating costs.’