Local MP visits Tarmac’s Dunbar Cement Plant

Kenny MacAskill pays tribute to staff who maintained cement production through pandemic and plant upgrade
TARMAC’s Dunbar Cement Plant welcomed MP Kenny MacAskill when he paid his first official visit since being elected Member of Parliament for East Lothian in December 2019.
During the visit, Mr MacAskill was given an overview of Scotland’s only cement manufacturing plant and saw the results of Tarmac’s recent improvements, including a state-of-the-art cement mill that is more energy efficient than the previous model; a new rail-loading facility that allows the plant to supply cement right across the British Isles; and a brand-new central control room that is the ‘brain’ of the manufacturing process.
Cement plant manager Chris Bradbury said: ‘It was a pleasure to show our local MP around the site and to introduce him to some of our colleagues who have been absolute heroes in coping with the difficult circumstances of the pandemic and the severe disruptions to normal working that major plant upgrades bring.
‘It is difficult to overstate how important Dunbar Cement Plant is to the Scottish construction industry and the Scottish economy. I am delighted that Mr MacAskill recognized the exceptional efforts made by everyone at the plant to keep cement production going and I would like to thank him for the support he showed us.’
Commenting on his visit, Mr MacAskill said: ‘It was great to visit Tarmac in my constituency and to meet some of the team at Dunbar. I never knew there was so much to making cement and just how important it is to our every-day lives. I am proud that we have Scotland’s only cement plant right here in East Lothian and that it is run by Tarmac, who take their local community relations so seriously.
‘I was shown the new cycle path, which takes cyclists along the re-routed N76 path. The path starts at the War Memorial on the A1087 and links up with the existing route one kilometre later, following alongside the East Coast Mainline. This is a fantastic new facility for everyone to use and I thank Tarmac for making it possible.’