HSE consults on draft quarries strategy

Health and Safety Executive seeking comments on new draft strategy from the wider quarrying industry
AS part of Helping Great Britain Work Well (HGBWW), the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is seeking consultation from the wider quarrying industry on its draft strategy for the sector.
The HSE’s top three priorities for the quarrying industry are: reducing cases of occupational lung disease by better control of exposure to respirable crystalline silica; preventing high-hazard, low-probability events which could harm workers and the public; and maintaining and applying the right levels of competence and leadership.
According to the draft strategy, the HSE will secure effective management and control of risk by directing its inspection activities and front-line enforcement actions at those operators who are not controlling risks, with a particular focus on the health risks posed by exposure to respirable crystalline silica.
It will also reduce the likelihood of low-frequency, high-impact catastrophic incidents by delivering a programme of interventions focused on the manufacture and use of explosives and the stability of tips and excavations.
Lastly, the HSE says it will lead and engage with others to improve workplace health and safety by supporting strategic industry initiatives that show leadership in tackling key problems, and by challenging the industry and other key players to do more to reach out and support poor performers in the sector, in particular SMEs.
The draft quarries strategy can be found at: www.hse.gov.uk/aboutus/strategiesandplans/sector-plans/quarries.pdf
Anyone wishing to comment on the draft should email Roy Bush (roy.bush@hse.gov.uk) by 31 January 2017.