CASE launch next-generation SiteWatch platform

Latest SiteWatch telematics platform release features new design, new dashboard and simple navigation
CASE Construction Equipment have launched the next generation of their SiteWatch telematics platform with an all-new dashboard, more intuitive navigation and new overview sections that spotlight critical information without requiring the user to search extensively for the data.
CASE SiteWatch is an option available to order from the factory for all CASE equipment. For the aftermarket, SiteWatch is available as retrofit with a subscription plan of one to five years.
SiteWatch complies with the Association of Equipment Management Professionals (AEMP) 2.0 telematics standard, ensuring that the solution is compatible with mixed fleets.
‘The new CASE SiteWatch telematics platform presents users with a high level of critical data on a very clear and intuitive dashboard, whether you’re at your desk or on your tablet in the field,’ said Marnix Korpershoek, construction equipment digital precision solutions and telematics sales and support manager Europe with CNH Industrial.
The new dashboard features an easy-to-read horizontal menu at the top of the screen above five widgets that focus on core operating information such as an equipment summary, equipment search, fuel-level reports and alarm status. An easy dropdown menu makes main reports and fleet and maintenance overviews just a click away. Alerts for geofence, curfew and fault codes are also immediately visible in the dashboard.
CASE say SiteWatch telematics can help fleets of all sizes work more efficiently in many ways, including:
- Simplified fleet management: Always know where each machine is, what its working status is and if maintenance or service is required.
- Understanding equipment utilization: Knowing when and how equipment is being used can improve profitability/total cost of ownership of existing equipment and help in making smarter equipment buying/renting decisions.
- Analyzing workload and productivity: Telematics gives fleet managers and business owners perspective into how equipment is operating, and whether they are getting the most out of their equipment and crew on each project.
- Real-time alerts/alarms: Fleet managers and business owners receive alerts in real time to make them aware of machine conditions that require attention.
- Partner with dealer on preventive maintenance: Local CASE dealers can be granted access to telematics data to more proactively partner with user on preventive and planned maintenance.
- Equipment security: Telematics helps locate stolen equipment, which, if recovered and returned by the authorities, is much less expensive than the resulting downtime and replacement costs.