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Annual outputs and market shares for 2023 now available

BDS has published its suite of industry-focused ‘outputs and market share reports’ for 2023 BDS has published its suite of industry-focused ‘outputs and market share reports’ for 2023

BDS publish annual suite of industry-focused ‘outputs and market share reports’ for 2023

BDS have just published their annual suite of industry-focused ‘outputs and market share reports’ for 2023.

The reports provide analysis and estimates down to individual plant level, summarized at county, regional, and national levels, including market shares by company.


The suite of reports includes:

  • Estimated Outputs of Pits & Quarries and Marine Wharves in Great Britain. The report identifies over 700 aggregate sites with BDS estimating the total primary aggregate market for 2023 to be c.168 million tonnes. Crushed rock contributed a share of around 66% with the remainder divided between land-won sand and gravel and marine-won sand and gravel.

  • Estimated Outputs of Asphalt Plants in Great Britain. In 2023 BDS estimate the asphalt market in Great Britain to be c.26 million tonnes, accountable to nearly 250 asphalt plants. 

  • Estimated Outputs of Ready Mix Concrete Companies in Great Britain. BDS estimate the outputs of ready-mix concrete plants in Great Britain for 2023 to be c.22 million m3. Batching plants contributed a share of around 90% with the remainder accountable to on-site batching plants. 

  • Estimated Movements of Aggregates from Rail Depots in Great Britain. BDS estimated there were over 80 rail depots operational in Great Britain in 2023 receiving more than 23 million tonnes of aggregates.

  • Estimated Outputs of Concrete Building Block Plants in Great Britain. BDS estimate the Concrete Building Blocks market for 2023 to be c.65 million m2.

  • Estimated Outputs of Concrete Block Paving Plants in Great Britain. BDS estimate the Concrete Block Paving market for 2023 to be c.12 million m2.

  • Estimated Outputs of Concrete Paving Slab Plants in Great Britain. BDS estimate the Concrete Paving Slabs market for 2023 to be c.14 million m2.

For further information, visit the BDS website. To purchase a copy of any of the above reports, email:  


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Production Manager – Central Scotland

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