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Mick George Choose Bomag's Largest Single-Dum Roller

First published in the September 2016 issue of Quarry Management as Making a Deeper Impact

Mick George Ltd put Bomag’s heavyweight 26-tonne single-drum roller to work

In July Mick George Ltd invested in the largest single-drum roller (SDR) manufactured by Bomag, the BW 226 DI-5. Specialists in the provision of bulk excavation, earthmoving, aggregate and concrete supply, and waste management, Mick George operate quarries, landfill sites and waste transfer stations across East Anglia and the East Midlands region, offering customers a range services for projects of all sizes.

The new Bomag machine was put straight to work on a site for a new waste-transfer station which had to be raised by an average of 1.5m. This was achieved by importing soil which was dumped and spread in 300–400mm layers before being compacted using a 13-tonne single-drum roller initially, and then the BW 226 DI-5. The final 300mm layer was stabilized with a 1% lime and 4% cement mix which was then compacted.

The site manager and staff were immediately impressed with the performance of the new Bomag, which they tested by running it over a previously compacted area. In one pass the BW 226 DI-5 compacted the soil by a further 150mm.

This ‘Deep-Impact’ version of the BW 226 is equipped with Bomag’s unique polygonal drum, as well as Variocontrol and a BCM 05 compaction measurement and recording system with integrated telematics, offering the owner/operator the ‘complete picture’ on large-scale compaction jobs.

The BW 226 is powered by a 150kW Stage 4 final Deutz engine controlled by an integrated and automatic Ecomode system that reduces fuel consumption by up to 30%. Despite its size and weight, the BW 226 offers high levels of traction and manoeuvrability on the flat or on steep grades thanks to its powerful drive system and a rear no-spin differential with up to 100% automatic lock-up.

According to Bomag, this 26-tonne Deep-Impact SDR is capable of routinely compacting to depths of up to 4m, a performance that is achieved through a combination of features starting with the unique polygonal drum, which Bomag fabricate in their own state-of-the-art drum-shop. Unlike a round drum, where the effective force direction remains constant during the rolling process, the special compaction effect of the polygonal drum lies in the way the drum changes the direction of the compaction force as it rolls due to the plate and wedge segments of the drum design. The combined effect is Deep-Impact compaction, allowing users to compact deeper layers than would otherwise be the case, thereby saving time and money.

The combination of Variocontrol and the integrated BCM 05 system is designed to deliver optimum performance and total assurance in the toughest applications. The fully integrated Variocontrol system automatically adjusts the vibration amplitude during the compaction process in such a way that areas with low bearing capacity are compacted with high effective amplitude, while areas with higher bearing capacity are compacted with lower effective amplitude. This allows the maximum possible compaction energy to be transferred to the ground, through the polygonal drum, without generating ‘drum bounce’ or over-compaction.

Variocontrol determines the soil stiffness under the machine in real time using three sensor units together with a computer to process the signals and an improved and simplified operator panel to control the process. The positioning sensor picks up the machine’s position and the two acceleration sensors, situated in the machine’s drum, measure the acceleration forces impacted on them. Bomag say Variocontrol offers operators maximum productivity and flexibility as it is able to adapt to the environment, avoiding unnecessary passes and giving an early indication of soft spots, thus saving time and money.

Bomag Compaction Management (BCM 05) provides dynamic compaction control and a convenient way to measure, record and analyse compaction data, providing an effective assurance process. The BCM system consists of a dedicated, robust tablet PC, a cab mounting bracket, BCM 05 mobile and BCM 05 office software, and a USB memory stick to transfer data. Even though the system is sophisticated, it is relatively simple to use after training, which Bomag provide, allowing the operator to concentrate on getting the job done quickly and safely.

Immediately after delivery of the BW 226, Bomag provided one of Mick George’s operators with two days’ training. Ryan, who has only been operating equipment for 18 months, said he quickly took to the system and was soon using two modes to assess real-time compaction data and the GPS trace showing the number and position of completed passes. The highly productive SDR will be moving on to operated hire as of this month. For more information visit:


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