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Supporting Biodiversity

Mineral Products Association launches Biodiversity Strategy

Earlier this year Environment Minister Richard Benyon MP paid tribute to the significant contribution that the mineral products industry can make to UK biodiversity.

The Minister was present at a House of Commons reception organized by the Mineral Products Association (MPA) and the RSPB, which brought together MPs, industry leaders and conservationists, and was used as the launch pad for the MPA’s Biodiversity Strategy.

Speaking at the event, Nigel Jackson, chief executive of the MPA, said: ‘The mineral products industry has a proven legacy of high-quality restoration and still has further significant potential to protect and enhance biodiversity, including common as well as rare and threatened species and habitats.

‘Continuing good site management, restoration and after-use of minerals sites is expected to contribute significantly to the achievement of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) and MPA members have a unique role to play.

‘I believe our members are uniquely placed, equipped, organized and motivated to help the UK achieve its BAP targets on habitat creation. We can do something that industries which get far more government attention, such as retail, automotives, pharmaceuticals and energy, cannot do. But we need good economic conditions to invest, reasonable and proportionate legislation, and a planning system that is fit for purpose.’

The MPA’s Biodiversity Strategy aims to:

  • Extend the industry’s knowledge of the wildlife interest and potential on and adjacent to active sites and how best to manage this, and maximize benefits through restoration and after-use, including initiating a comprehensive field study during 2011.
  • Share best practice between members and partners around the country through regular briefings and a specific working group.
  • Develop partnerships with conservation organizations, decision-makers and individuals to ensure that the industry is delivering both what people want and wildlife needs. To support this work, during 2011 the MPA will organize a biodiversity exchange involving all organizations with an interest in improving biodiversity associated with minerals operations.
  • Celebrate successes through an annual members’ award for Biodiversity Achievement starting in 2011 and sponsored by Natural England.
  • Understand the industry’s contribution to the delivery of local, national and international biodiversity, including Biodiversity Action Plan targets and future improvement using a range of indicators.
  • Increase the industry’s influence through contact with policy-makers at all levels, including engagement with European initiatives in association with European Trade bodies.
  • Promote biodiversity education using industry assets such as restored sites and field study and education centres to encourage out-of-classroom learning and to make the most of first-hand experiences of the natural environment.

The MPA says its Biodiversity Strategy will provide a framework for the industry’s contribution to the achievement of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. Indeed, research by the RSPB has indicated that mineral sites could meet 100% of the targets for nine out of 11 priority habitats in the UK BAP.


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