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Third-generation I-Site laser scanners from Maptek

Maptek I-Site XR3

Latest mining-tough laser scanners are smaller, lighter and faster than previous models

MAPTEK, specialists in modelling and spatial analysis hardware and software for mines and quarries, have introduced their third-generation I-Site XR3 and LR3 laser scanners, which are 30% smaller and 25% lighter than the previous I-Site 8800 series.

Moreover, together with a new high-dynamic-range panoramic camera that produces high-resolution digital images for geotechnical analysis and geological mapping, the new scanners offer 2.5 times faster data acquisition and a 25% improvement in range capability over the previous models.


The I-Site XR3 has a scanning range of up to 2,400m, giving wider coverage with fewer scans and allowing otherwise unattainable areas to be surveyed. The I-Site LR3 scanning range of 1,200m is likely to make it the system of choice for many small-to-medium-sized pits and quarries, as well as for indoor stockpile volumetrics.

‘These new products fulfil our mandate to package survey capability, digital imaging and laser scanning in an easy-to-use system designed for harsh environments,’ said Jason Richards, Maptek’s global business development manager for laser imaging solutions. ‘I-Site laser scanners remain the only truly mining-tough systems rated IP65 for environmental protection.

‘Our business model of developing, selling and supporting our own products is by its very nature customer-oriented,’ continued Mr Richards. ‘Surveyors are asking for ever more compact systems. Site conditions demand reliability and ease of field use alongside increasing flexibility for teams to share operational data.’

The I-Site XR3 and I-Site LR3 are compatible with laser scanning applications such as Maptek Sentry for surface monitoring and PerfectDig for design conformance. Modular design allows configuration of the system to match site requirements.

Maptek have also built and launched Sentry as a fully transportable monitoring system. Deployed in a custom trailer, the system offers a power and communications module, cellular and Wi-Fi networking, a dedicated stable bollard for an I-Site laser scanner, and proven Sentry software.


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