Terex Trucks’ rigid haulers enter Swedish market

Swecon expand machine range with TR70 and TR100 rigid haulers from Terex Trucks
SWEDISH Volvo dealers Swecon are expanding their machine range for the mining industry with the introduction of TR70 and TR100 rigid haulers from Terex Trucks.
‘The addition of Terex Trucks’ rigid frame haulers fills a small but important gap in our product portfolio and strengthens our offering to the mining industry,’ said Ove Meander, Swecon’s sales manager for northern Sweden.
With the backing of the Terex Trucks’ and Swecon’s combined service networks, the robust rigid haulers are already proving popular thanks to their simplistic design which makes them easy to drive, maintain and service.
‘In the longer term, more sizes of trucks may be available when the engines are adapted to the new environmental requirements,’ continued Mr Meander. ‘However, the machines we sell now, the TR70 and TR100, are built to maximize uptime and have a proven technology that produces results.’
Volvo Construction Equipment acquired Terex Trucks in 2014 with the aim of strengthening their position in the earthmoving segment and developing their presence in the light mining sector.
This has proven attractive to Swecon’s customers, many of whom are already familiar with Volvo CE’s standards of quality.
During the summer, Swecon delivered the first Terex Trucks rigid hauler to Lars-Göran Rutqvist – a TR100 with a capacity of 55.5 cubic meters, a payload of 91 tonnes and an engine that delivers 783kW (1,050hp).
Mr Rutqvist commented: ‘We needed a rigid hauler to transport road materials in Boliden’s open-pit copper mine, in Gällivare. The mine has a large road network and is used day and night, all year round.’
Although Mr Rutqvist is a new customer of Terex Trucks, he says he is confident that the machine will be a good match for his company. ‘We have dealt with Swecon and Volvo CE for many years, and we expect that we will receive the same high standards from the Terex Trucks team.
‘My previous experience makes me feel safe in daring to try something new. And so far, I’m pleased to say everything has worked well with the Terex Trucks hauler.’