Tarmac team repairs local playground

Team from South East Contracting gives back to local community by renovating children’s playground
A TEAM from Tarmac’s South East Contracting business has been able to give back to its local community by repairing a community playground in Burham, Kent.
The project was brought to the attention of local operations manager Steve Clark, who was keen to get involved. ‘The playground was well used by the local community but had unfortunately been closed due to trip hazards and potholes in the asphalt,’ he said.
‘I knew that residents would really appreciate being able to use the playground again, so we decided that this would be a great project for the Snodland site to support. The team and I were really pleased to donate the materials and to work on repairing the playground, making it safe for the children to use again.’
Pam Saunders, Burham Parish Council clerk, commented: ‘Thanks to Tarmac Contracting South East, and in particular the crew, for carrying out the rectification work to the trip hazards within the play area, in a quick and professional manner and at no cost to the parish council.
‘The fantastic standard is immaculate. We are very positive that the children and their parents/carers will also be very grateful, thankful and enthusiastic to have the area reopened after several months of lockdown.’