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Tarmac duo receives top community safety accolade

Tarmac transport employees receive safety award

Two transport employees pick up Community Safety award from Institute of Couriers

TWO Tarmac employees have received a top industry award in recognition of their work to raise awareness about safety around heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).

Justin Waite, area transport manager for Anglia (second from right), and Shaun Wright, transport account manager for London (second from left) received the Community Safety award from Transport Minister John Hayes MP at the recent Institute of Couriers’ annual awards ceremony in London.


Together, the pair has delivered a safety awareness programme reaching hundreds of school children, construction site workers and the general public. Interactive events have included demonstrations of HGV driver blind spots and opportunities to sit in cabs and find out more about top-of-the-range safety features, such as 360° cameras, near-side radar sensors and a range of safety mirrors.

Commenting on the achievement, Mark Wood, managing director - materials south with Tarmac, said: ‘We’re very proud of Justin and Shaun. The award win is extremely well deserved and testament to both their personal commitment and their support of our core business values.

‘Tarmac are one of the industry leaders in construction logistics safety and its fantastic for that commitment to be recognized for its impact beyond construction and in the wider logistics industry.

‘As a responsible operator of one of the largest fleets in the industry, we believe it’s important to work with local communities to promote safety for all road users and help educate people who could come into contact with HGVs on the risks.’

Viscount Lord Falkland (right), President of the Institute of Couriers, added: ‘We are delighted to present Tarmac with this year’s Community Safety award, which highlights the collaboration and best-practice sharing in the logistics industry as we all work to raise awareness of vulnerable road user safety.’


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