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RMC’s market leadership in ready-mix under threat

RMC continue to be the largest ready-mixed concrete company in Great Britain but are believed to be losing market share. The company’s share of the concrete market is now estimated at 23%, giving RMC a slight lead over Tarmac and Hanson. This compares with a market share of 26% held by RMC in 2001.

The company’s lead over its nearest competitor has halved during the period 2001–2004, and on current trends RMC could lose market leadership in 2006. In the meantime, the industry will be watching closely to see what effect the recent acquisition by CEMEX has on the company’s market position.

Lafarge are the fourth largest ready-mixed concrete company, followed by Aggregate Industries, although the latter are developing their concrete interests and are currently being acquired by Holcim. It is thought that Aggregate Industries could become the fourth largest supplier of ready-mixed concrete within two years.


These are some of the conclusions of a new annual report published by BDS Marketing & Research Ltd, entitled: ‘Estimated market shares and volumes of ready-mixed concrete companies in Great Britain’.

BDS estimate the ready-mixed concrete market at nearly 26 million m3. Volumes have fallen slightly recently but a marginal recovery is forecast over the next few years due to increased demand from regeneration schemes and a recovery in the commercial sector. The ready-mixed concrete industry is also expected to take volume from site-mixed concrete as a result of the development of ready-mixed concrete delivered by volumetric lorries and market entry by builders merchants.

For further information contact BDS Marketing.



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