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RESTORE mineral sites for future benefit

European restoration project’s mid-term conference to take place in Germany in June

‘RESTORE mineral sites for future benefits’ is the theme of the RESTORE project’s mid-term conference, which will take place in Kolpinghaus, Dortmund, Germany on Wednesday 4 June 2014.

With urbanization and industrialization increasingly putting pressure on green infrastructure
and natural resources across Europe, people’s quality of life is being affected through the declines in biodiversity and ecosystem services. RESTORE is an EU co-funded project, examining and showcasing the potential of mineral site restoration to benefit local people, biodiversity and the economy.


The RESTORE mid-term conference will hear relevant stakeholders from local and regional governments, environmental NGOs, community groups, the minerals industry and research institutes contributing to and discussing the themes of the RESTORE project in various workshops and discussion groups.

Among the themes covered will be: How does policy guide restoration in your country?; What are the benefits of restoring ecosystems and biodiversity?; Who benefits and how?; What components constitute best practice and how best to implement them?; and How to communicate and share good restoration expertise and its benefits to stakeholders and decision-makers.

Participation in the conference is free of charge but will be limited to 120 people. For further information email:


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