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Bookings are now being taken for this one-day EIG conference in September Bookings are now being taken for this one-day EIG conference in September

One-day EIG technical conference at the Stratford Manor Hotel on 14 September 2023 

BOOKINGS are now being taken for a one-day Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) conference aimed at professionals involved in the design and planning of quarries with the aim of providing continued professional development as well as stimulating debate.

With the twin issues of climate change and biodiversity collapse presenting the extractive industry with real physical, legislative, investment and social challenges, there are many considerations to be addressed to deliver resilient, viable, and environmentally acceptable quarries and minerals sites that are essential to modern society.


The conference will explore how, through quarry design, the industry can position itself to meet these challenges, comply with current and future legislation, and deliver a sustainable business model.

To achieve this, the conference will be split into four core areas, each session starting with a look at the relevant aspects of environmental changes, current compliance, and future legislative changes, all with a focus on the practical implications for quarry designers and planners.

  1. Introduction and scene setting: This will provide an overall insight into the issues facing the industry, including how the world is changing in terms of physical changes alongside associated changes to legislation and environmental and social governance (ESG).

  2. Too much or too little water: This section will explore the changes that quarries need to make to adapt to more intense rainfall and water shortages. Good design and planning may help alleviate these issues and be the make or break for a quarry project.

  3. Designing out CO2: This section will investigate how quarry designers can assess and demonstrate the impact of their design choices upon CO2 emissions. It will also investigate how quarry design may need to change to facilitate emergent lower-emission technologies such as autonomous driverless electric dumptrucks.

  4. Design for biodiversity net gain: This session will provide an overview of the new legislation, the guidance and process for mineral sites, and the final iteration of the Biodiversity Net Gain Metric that the minerals industry will have to use. It will finish with an interactive debate to answer questions and discuss how legislators and industry can work together to derive the most benefit from the system.

Bookings for the one-day conference can be made online at The early bird cost (before 19 August) is £60, after which the full price of £80 will apply. 


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