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Pioneer Pump deliver first pumpsets into Saudi Arabi

Five pumps delivered on time and in budget

Pioneer Pump delivered their first five pumpsets into Saudi Arabia only six weeks after receiving the order.

Having built the 150HP pumpsets using their market-leading PP88S12 high-flow 200mm pump and powered by Deutz six-cylinder 914 engines, the pumpsets were delivered on time and within budget to the customers satisfaction.


Commenting on the first stage of the contract, Paul Skippins, operations manager for Pioneer Pump in the UK, said: ‘Putting over 10 tonnes of equipment on to airplanes and flying them in enabled us to deliver on time. However, it took a lot of effort and hard work on the part of our production people to achieve this and they are the ones who should be congratulated for their efforts.

'We often get called for projects like this, only recently we received the call to fly some pumps into Asia to relieve the flood situations in one of the key markets there.'


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