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Oxbotica and Navtech launch Terran360


World’s first radar-based localization system provides centimetre precision for autonomous vehicles
OXBOTICA and Navtech have launched Terran360, the world’s first all-weather radar localization solution for industrial autonomous vehicles, with the pioneering technology typically accurate to <10cm on any vehicle, in any environment. Combining Navtech’s patented FMCW radar sensor and Oxbotica’s autonomy software platform, Terran360 is an entirely new offering to the off-road autonomy market.

The system utilizes a single long-range, high-definition radar sensor to give a detailed 360° picture of a vehicle’s surroundings, allowing it to work alongside conventional systems and be deployed in GPS-denied environments or in harsh conditions not suitable for LiDAR or vision, while maintaining full pinpoint localization at all times.

Navtech’s high-resolution radar sensor is able to operate in the harshest conditions – such as in rain, fog, dust or dirt and in complete darkness. The vibration-resistant and IP67-certified sensor is designed to be maintenance free for 10 years, helping to reduce disruption to operations without compromising precision, reliability or safety.

Terran360’s output, which can be fused with other sensor feeds or used as a standalone system, is also able to provide independent and highly accurate vehicle motion. Terran360 operates on any vehicles, from slow moving to speeds of up to 120km/h (75 miles/h) and has been comprehensively tested on different vehicle platforms and in widely different environments, including in mines, on urban roads, on railways and in marine settings.

Paul Newman, founder and chief technology officer at Oxbotica, said: ‘We are delighted to launch Terran360 in collaboration with Navtech. We are bringing a game-changing localization system to market that gives operators and manufacturers a new way to answer the crucial autonomy question of ‘Where am I?’ – and one that is unimpeded by environment or place.’

Phil Avery, managing director of Navtech Radar, commented: ‘We are extremely proud to launch this outstanding product for commercial use, offering a radar localization solution never seen before.

‘Thanks to decades of experience in delivering radar solutions for safety- and mission-critical applications, and together with Oxbotica’s world-leading autonomy software platform, Terran360 is trusted to answer the fundamental question for autonomous vehicles: ‘Where am I?’, everywhere, every time.’


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