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New Sun-Safe Indicator from MiRiCal

Sun-Safe Indicator applied to a new orange hi-vis garment Sun-Safe Indicator applied to a new orange hi-vis garment

Ensures continued hi-vis clothing conformity; helps keep employees visible and safe on site

BOOSTING visibility in low-light conditions is crucial for hi-vis clothing wearers but ensuring continued compliance with ISO 20471 for luminance and chromaticity standards can be a challenge.

When a hi-vis garment is new, conformity will have been established by the manufacturer and labelling, supported by certification, will confirm it. However, continued exposure to sunlight will progressively reduce the luminance and chromaticity, and short of testing the garment on a regular basis, how else can you be expected to know that the garment remains compliant?


The Sun-Safe Indicator from MiRiCal Emblems Ltd is an innovative solution for maintaining compliance with a simple visual cue; no more guesswork or expensive testing is needed. The indicator incorporates specially developed inks that fade at a rate similar to the hi-vis fabric, whether yellow, orange or red, indicating when it is time to replace the garment. Cleverly, the indicator reads ‘un-safe’ when it is time for a new garment.

Fully tested at an independent laboratory in the UK, the Sun-Safe Indicator can be applied at any stage in the production process – manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer – using a conventional heat press. The product is patent pending worldwide and is available exclusively from MiRiCal Emblems Ltd in the UK and via their offices in Europe and distributors globally.


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