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New Kinshofer clamshell for Land Recovery

Recycling operator specifies heavy-duty clamshell for new Komatsu PC360LC-10 excavator

LAND Recovery, UK specialists in aggregates handling and recycling, have expanded their growing fleet of plant equipment with the purchase of a Komatsu PC360LC-10 excavator fitted with a Kinshofer C40HD-174 re-handling clamshell.

Supplied by MTK (Breaker Hire and Sales) Ltd, the bespoke heavy-duty clamshell – which has a 2.3 cubic metre capacity – has been specified with additional bolt-on horizontal/vertical wear blades to help reduce wear caused by materials abrasion. It is also equipped with a heavy-duty 360-degree continuous rotation system fitted to the dipper end of the Komatsu machine.


Dan Beecroft, managing director of Land Recovery, said he was very careful in his choice of manufacturer and the support service on offer. ‘I couldn’t have the clamshell grab prevent the excavator from working or visa-versa. MTK arranged for a full assessment of the site and the application, calculating the optimum size of clamshell for the excavator I had in mind. They’d even loaned me an attachment while mine was built to my specification.’

Among the key features of the C40HD clamshell are: a wide pitch PCD ‘slew ring’ type rotation device for increased strength and stability; high-strength impact resistant materials which contribute to a low overall weight of the grab; and a ‘flat bottom’ closing curve which prevents damage to railway wagons, boats and lorries.


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