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New Bell ADT for Alf Kitching

Bell B30E dumptruck

Earthmoving specialist takes delivery of second 30-tonne B30E articulated dumptruck

CIVIL engineering excavation specialists Alf Kitching Ltd have once again invested in Bell Equipment with the purchase of a B30E articulated dumptruck (ADT).

Secured to help meet the demands of an increasing workload from an international client base, this expansion to Alf Kitching’s fleet will further support quarry-based earthmoving projects, building on the company’s existing taskforce.


Selection of the B30E from Bell Equipment followed a decision to move away from Kitching’s usual supplier, as well as the positive experience of a previously purchased B30E.

Managing director Paul Kitching said: ‘We had a very good experience with the first B30E truck we bought, including extremely positive operator feedback.

‘Also, to avoid operational complications, it was our preference not to bring in another truck brand, and as we already knew the Bell machine could compete easily with any competitor vehicles, we opted to purchase a second.’

Mr Kitching went on to explain how value for money and impressive fuel consumption were high priorities when choosing another ADT, and how, with its high-performance diesel engine, the B30E was found to offer fuel economy that was hard to match.

Other features that helped secure his decision included the addition of the Fleetmatic desk-top management system with its built-in weighing function, designed to provide up-to date operational data to help maximize efficiency.

The second machine is now fully functioning, performing quarry-based earthmoving tasks including overburden stripping and quarry reinstatement, together with general ADT work in the steelworks sector.

‘This Bell machine has proved to be a strong alternative to the vehicles we’ve traditionally used at Alf Kitching. Not only have we been impressed with the B30E and its competitive price, but the service and support offered to us by Bell Equipment’s after-sales team has meant that any issues have been rectified quickly and effectively.’

The inclusion of two Bell machines with Fleetmatic technology within his taskforce is also proving to be a sound decision for Mr Kitching and the team. ‘Monitoring truck performance can help better a fleet’s function,’ he said.

‘Now we’re able to use the information we gather to implement change and improve driving technique, and having the two Bell ADT’s is really helping us improve efficiency and operations across the fleet.’


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