MPA launches policy to protect vulnerable road users

Minister praises new minerals industry policy to help keep vulnerable road users safe from LGVs
TRANSPORT Minister Stephen Hammond MP has praised the Mineral Products Association (MPA) for its new Vulnerable Road User Safety Policy, which was launched on Wednesday 31 October at a joint National Cycle Safe Event with the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group at Wellington Arch, Hyde Park Corner, London.
The event also showcased the Metropolitan Police’s Exchanging Places initiative, supported by the MPA, whereby large numbers of passing cyclists were able to experience visibility issues first-hand from inside the cab of four large goods vehicles (LGVs) provided by Hanson UK, Lafarge Aggregates, S. Walsh & Sons and Tarmac, to find out where to position themselves safely on the road in relation to lorries.
Mr Hammond (pictured left) said: ‘I am pleased to support the MPA Vulnerable Road User campaign. It is an excellent initiative taking practical steps to reduce accidents through changing the behaviour of cyclists and drivers.
‘We always need to look for new ways of protecting vulnerable road users like cyclists and that is exactly what this campaign does.’
The MPA’s policy forms part of the Association’s Cycle Safe campaign and strategy which was launched in June 2011 to prevent collisions between cyclists and lorries. The policy has three key elements:
- All industry drivers must receive vulnerable road-user training. The industry training body has developed a specific course which will be CPC approved and available shortly.
- New industry LGVs must be fitted with additional safety equipment including blind-spot elimination devices and mirrors, side under-run guards, audible left-turn warnings for cyclists and pedestrians, and rear warning signs.
- Existing industry LGVs must be fitted with similar equipment levels within an extended five-year period, with operators encouraged to consider accelerating this timing.
The MPA’s position is that there is joint responsibility for road safety. National and central government must ensure that roads and junctions are designed for safety and properly maintained, LGV operators and drivers must take action to minimize the risk of collisions, and cyclists and other vulnerable road users must behave responsibly.
Nigel Jackson (pictured right), chief executive of the MPA, said: ‘We believe that our policy is the most positive initiative taken by any sector with regard to improving vulnerable road user safety and reflects the industry’s commitment to this issue.
‘This is not a campaign for a day, or a week, or a month, this is forever. This issue is not going to go away. We are going to play our part and we hope others will do likewise.
‘The MPA will continue to work with partners in the construction and freight industries, local and national government, and cycling and other organizations to improve safety. We believe it is essential that all interested parties work together so that effective, consistent and proportionate strategies and measures are implemented.’