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Mogensen Raw Materials Handling appoint Chilean agent

Mogensen Sizer

Prodyser Ltda to promote Mogensen’s wide range of products to quarrying and mining sectors in Chile

MOGENSEN have announced the appointment of Prodyser Ltda as their new agent in Chile. Headquartered in La Serena, some 400km north of Santiago, Prodyser have expanded steadily since 2009 when it was founded and now employ 14 personnel, a majority of whom are experienced mining engineers. 

In addition, a branch office has recently opened in Copiapo, about 280km further north at the southern end of the Atacama region where much of the mining activity in Chile is situated. 


As Mogensen prepare for growth in the Chilean market, John Taylor, an application engineer for the company, visited the country for 11 days to provide training to Prodyser employees, as well as to support the agent at a recent mining equipment exhibition held in Copiapo for five days. 

The opportunity was also taken to visit several established and potential Mogensen customers in the Atacame area to discuss new projects and provide support and advice on equipment, including the review of maintenance procedures.


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