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Mobile asphalt recycling granulator

Among the large array of plant and equipment on display at last year's weeklong showcase event at Benninghoven's headquarters and manufacturing facility in Mulheim/Mosel, Germany, was the fullymobile, high-output MBRG 2000 asphalt recycling granulator.

Capable of outputs up to 200 tonnes/h, the plant consists of a feed hopper, a primary single-shaft granulator, a magnetic belt detector, a single-deck screen and a secondary double-shaft granulator, all mounted on a towable, triple-axle, low-loader-type trailer.

In developing the machine, the main criteria for the Benninghoven R&O team was to design a highly efficient granulator capable of breaking reclaimed asphalt blocks and planings down to a recyclable size without reducing the original stone content or fabric, there by allowing the reuse of valuable and finite aggregate resources.

Although primarily designed for use with asphalt planings, Benninghoven say the machine is also capable of handling other materials, such as building blocks and bricks, sandstone, coal and graphite, slate, ceramic reject sand glass.

In operation, raw materials are fed into the feed hopper and forced on to the single-shaft granulator by a pair of oscillating hydraulic rams. The granulated material is then conveyed to the single-deck screen after passing a magnetic belt detector, which removes any tramp metal content. The screen separates the finer 'already to size' material for stockpiling, while theoversize is passed into the secondary double-shaft granulator for further reduction. The double-shaft granulator features an adjustable setting arrangement to achieve the desired final product grading.

According to Benninghoven, the MBRG2000 delivers high levels of production efficiency with minimum fines content and minimum dust and noise emissions, while offering reduced wear rates and operational costs.

Benninghoven UK Ltd, Incendium House, Centurion Way, Meridian Business Park, Leicester LE 19 IHW; tel: (0116) 263 0345; fax: (0116) 282 7241; email:; website:<


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