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Martin Riley takes over as MPA chairman

Martin Riley

Tarmac senior vice-president succeeds Simon Vivian as new chairman of Mineral Products Association 

MARTIN Riley, senior vice-president of Tarmac, has been appointed MPA chairman for the next two years. He succeeds Simon Vivian of the Breedon Group and becomes the seventh chairman of the Association.  

Paying tribute to Mr Vivian’s contribution to the Association over the last two years, Nigel Jackson, chief executive of the MPA, said: ‘Simon is one of the industry’s most experienced leaders and has invested a huge amount of time and passion into maintaining the unity of the Association for the good of all members irrespective of size or the nature of their businesses. His personal commitment to improving the governance of the Association and the sector’s Health & Safety record has been notable.


‘He has helped the association navigate through a number of significant challenges and presided over the introduction of the new MPA Charter and the accompanying Vision for 2025, which should help us drive change, raise standards and improve perceptions. We thank him for his stewardship and the contributions he has made during his term of office and wish him well for the future.’

Mr Jackson said the MPA is delighted with the appointment of Mr Riley (pictured) as new chairman. He continued: ‘His wide industry knowledge and experience will be invaluable to the Association as we look to implement and build on the new MPA Charter, ensure the industry’s interests are protected over the coming years as we leave the EU and that the mineral products sector plays its part in the emerging Industrial Strategy.’


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