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Maptek release Vulcan 8.2

Maptek release Vulcan 8.2

New tools, updates and features in latest release provide speed, efficiency and usability

MAPTEK, one of the leading software providers to the mining industry, have released Vulcan 8.2., which contains a range of new tools, updates and features.

Providing increased speed, efficiency and usability, Maptek say Vulcan 8.2. offers an improved software experience complemented by a walk-through document, release notes and tutorials.


In particular, a customer request for generating strategic pit and dump designs prompted development of the new Rapid Pit Design tool, allowing mine planning engineers to quickly create mid-bench based designs and generate phases and reserve reports. Using this tool users can evaluate multiple designs in the same amount of time they would traditionally take to create a single design.

‘The new tool helps engineers to quickly create and analyse different pit designs, allowing them to look at many more alternative designs, prior to producing a final design,’ said Steve Uecker, Vulcan client experience manager.

Vulcan 8.2 also includes a new Support Analysis tool for resource validation and forecasting with practical applications in all stages of mining. Users can quickly generate grade tonnage curves at varying scales or material classifications, verify the choice of block size and validate resource block models.

Vulcan 8.2 is equipped with a 256 indexed colour palette with 24-bit colour depth, expanding the selection to more than 16 million colours for CAD objects.

Upgrades to the CSV import option allow users to bring in .CSV files without first creating a template, while updates to the Excel interface in Chronos improve the scheduling workflow.

Maptek say they have been delivering more frequent releases to get new functionality into users hands quickly, and they encourage users to take advantage of the new tools by upgrading their version with each release.


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