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Hanson scoop two best-practice awards

Hanson UK win at British Precast awards

Company wins Sustainability and Health and Safety categories in British Precast awards scheme 

HANSON UK won the ‘Sustainability’ and ‘Health and Safety’ categories at this year’s British Precast best-practice awards.

An energy-saving project at Whittlesey blockworks, near Peterborough, which involved modifying an aggregate block-curing system, won the Sustainability category.


The opportunity was identified by one of Hanson’s sustainability champions who are tasked with identifying and promoting improvements that can help the company achieve its sustainability objectives.

A project to promote a safe working environment for an employee with disabilities and health problems won the Health and Safety award.

The employee, who works at the company’s Formpave plant in Coleford, Gloucestershire, is deaf, has severe speech difficulties and has recently undergone surgery. A number of steps were taken to deliver additional protection including providing him with a vibrating fire alarm pager and a ‘man down’ alarm which activates 10 seconds after a fall.

Paul Lacey, Hanson UK’s head of sustainability and marketing, said: ‘It is fantastic to have won these awards, which demonstrate the commitment within the business to embedding sustainability into everything we do.’

The awards were presented by Judith Hackitt, chair of the Health and Safety Executive, at Precast 2013, the annual precast concrete trade event held at the King Power Stadium in Leicester.


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