GD Harries streamline deliveries with Podfather
Electronic proof of delivery eliminates paper from deliver operations and delivers cost savings
GD Harries, one of the largest suppliers of aggregates, asphalt, and ready-mixed concrete in Wales, have rolled out Podfather logistics software to increase efficiency and enhance customer service. Integrated with GD Harries’ ERP system, Podfather’s electronic proof-of-delivery (ePOD) features have eliminated paper from the delivery operation, resulting in both environmental and cost savings, as well as reducing administrative workload. The digitalization of delivery notes has also improved the flow of information between drivers, back-office staff, and customers, providing real-time visibility and easy access to historical records.
‘Before we adopted Podfather, we were literally drowning in paper,’ commented Aled Hughes, IT systems manager at GD Harries. ‘This had to be produced in duplicate, if not triplicate, and handed out to drivers at the start of each shift. The paperwork required numerous action points – when the truck was loaded, when the delivery was made, and when the driver returned to base, each of which needed manual intervention. It was also tricky to access in the case of a customer query.’
Having made the decision to introduce automated workflows to the delivery operation, GD Harries looked for a solution that would integrate with their ERP software. They considered various systems, including one from an existing supplier, before choosing Podfather based on their feature-rich offering and specific market experience.
‘Podfather offered everything we needed and, due to experience with other customers in the same sector as us, were able to understand our initial requirements and future needs,’ Mr Hughes continued. ‘This has made the implementation and adoption process much easier than if we had selected a partner with no knowledge of heavy haulage.’
Originally established as a small haulage and plant hire operator in 1977, GD Harries have evolved into one of Wales’ largest independent suppliers of aggregates, as well as being a major civil engineering company. Situated in West Wales, they own seven granite, limestone, and sandstone quarries, three asphalt plants, eight concrete plants, and their own sea transportation port at Pembroke Dock. Using their fleet of truckmixers and tipper trucks, GD Harries supply construction solutions and materials, including aggregate, ready-mix concrete, and asphalt, servicing both their own and third-party construction and highway maintenance projects.
Since implementing Podfather – which includes logistics planning, route optimization and proof-of-delivery (POD) functionality – in 2024, GD Harries have eliminated paper from their transport operation. Drivers now access their daily schedule, complete with configurable delivery notes, via the Podfather app. They navigate between jobs using in-built routing, with real-time tracking allowing for total visibility of the fleet’s movements. While on site, drivers digitally record delivery details, including date-, time-, and location-stamped photographs and signatures, in just a few clicks – information which is instantly shareable with the customer and back office.
‘Our responsiveness to customer queries has greatly improved since implementing Podfather,’ concluded Mr Hughes. ‘Because everything is digital, everything is accessible and sharable. This means fewer queries, and those that we do get, we can answer much quicker – usually at first point of contact. This is good for us and great for our customer experience.’
GD Harries also use Podfather’s Vehicle Check features. Compulsory guided walkarounds provide early notification of potential defects or issues, helping to keep the company’s trucks on the road and out of the garage, whilst photographs taken in the case of a breakdown help with both recovery and diagnostics to get trucks back on the road quicker.