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Future supplies of coal ash are secure

Coal fired power station

UKQAA seeks to reassure construction products industry over security of future supplies

IN response to the Government’s recent announcement of plans to close all coal-fired power stations by 2025, the UK Quality Ash Association (UKQAA) has issued a statement on ash availability and supply to help reassure the construction products industry.

The statements confirms that: ash supplies for the construction industry are plentiful and varied; coal-fired power stations are already producing up to 5 million tonnes annually; annual supply continues to outstrip consumption; and ash recovery programmes offer additional sources of ash.


Dr Robert Carroll, technical director at the UKQAA, said: ‘While the planned closures of coal-fired power stations in the UK will have a significant impact on the UK’s future energy mix, the UKQAA is confident about the supply of coal ashes (fly ash and furnace bottom ash) for construction products both now and in the foreseeable future.

‘The UK’s coal-fired power stations produce an average of 5 million tonnes of fly ash a year and annual supply continues to outstrip consumption. Additionally, around 50 million tonnes of stockpiled ash has been amassed over the years. This mostly untapped resource could become a valuable complementary raw material if correctly processed.

‘Ultimately, the UKQAA aims to maximize the beneficial use of coal fly ashes over the next decade and support recovery of raw material from ash stockpiles.’


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