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Fault prevention and diagnostics seminar

Free-of-charge technical seminar day at the National Fluid Power Centre (NFPC) 

Webtec Products Ltd will be running a free-of-charge technical seminar on Tuesday 9 October focusing on ‘Hydraulic fault prevention and diagnostics’ at the NFPC training centre in Worksop. 

The seminar day is an opportunity for anyone who has responsibility for the maintenance and reliability of their hydraulic systems to learn about the theory of hydraulic fault prevention and diagnostics, the tools and underlying technology available to assist you, and to see and use products hands-on in the world-class laboratory area. 


Speakers will include technical specialists from the industry as well as from Webtec and the NFPC. All attendees will need to bring their own overalls and safety shoes to participate in the laboratory-based seminars. Places are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

For further information and to book a place on the seminar please visit Webtec’s website: 


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