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Dedicated VMI launch MySilo Inventory System

MySilo Inventory System

New and easy way for customers and suppliers to track and monitor silo stock levels in real time

VENDOR-managed inventory programs (VMI) are an efficient way of improving inventory monitoring and replenishment. The automated flow of information within a company or between partner companies creates transparency early on for the supplier – and security of supply for the purchaser.

With the help of the web-based software, the supplier can assume responsibility for the customer’s stocks and make sure they are always sufficiently replenished, giving greater flexibility in resource and logistics management. The supplier no longer has to depend on the customer assessing his needs accurately and ordering replenishments on time.


The MySilo Inventory System, launched by remote silo monitoring and control solutions specialists Dedicated VMI, takes over this function. To accomplish this task, the software provides automatic email and or SMS alerts to the supplier when stock levels drop and replenishment is needed.

MySilo makes it easy to track and monitor silo stock levels in real time. Through a range of tools and features, MySilo provides users with a thorough overview and in-depth analysis of their silo inventory. The program includes a series of well-designed analytical and planning tools that allow optimized demand, inventory and delivery planning.


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