Conexpo-Con/Agg 2020: Superior to premiere new screen/wash plant

Portable Spirit wash plant with Guardian horizontal screen and Helix cyclones set to make its debut
Superior Industries Inc will be showcasing a newly configured portable wash plant – one of a dozen new products the company will introduce during next month’s Las Vegas trade show.
Capable of producing as many as five products, the portable Spirit wash plant carries a 6ft x 20ft Guardian horizontal screen, plus a sand-production module and ultra-fines recovery module.
Material is fed to a slurry box, which liquifies it to improve the screening and stratification processes, before the three-deck horizontal screen washes and sizes three products from its top, middle or bottom deck.
Leftover sand is processed through one of two Spirit wash modules consisting of one or more Helix cyclones followed by a dewatering screen. The first wash module uses a cyclone to size and separate material for a traditional sand product, whilst the dewatering screen ensures it is instantly salable off the discharge chute.
Depending on the deposit, an optional ultra-fines recovery module washes out –100 to –400 micron fines for microfine material, which is saved from being lost to a waste pond.
‘It’s the first time such a configuration has been created for the portable market in North America,’ said Matt Voigt, manager of portable plants at Superior. ‘We incorporated our low-profile dewatering screens and a series of hydraulically powered components to ensure the plant is road-permissible and quick to deploy.’
Applications for the new portable plant include operations with settling ponds, crushed aggregate, sand and gravel, dredging and frac sand.