Co-founder steps down after record year for Molson

Founding director Jonathan Wilson steps away as joint group managing director after 26 years
JONATHAN Wilson and Robin Powell set up Molson in 1996, and since then have worked closely to grow the business to its present size with a record turnover of more than £251 million. The two directors, who have remained firm friends throughout, will continue to be business partners in several other ventures.
Robin Powell (right of photo), who is now sole group managing director, said: ‘We built Molson Group from the ground up, and whilst there have been tough times, as with any business, we have also experienced tremendous highs and we have always enjoyed working and collaborating together.
‘I want to take this opportunity to formally acknowledge Jonathan’s huge contribution to the success of the business. His talent and experience have helped shape Molson over the years, and I have learned a great deal from him. Among his many talents are a laser-like ability to focus on the detail, and a gift for building deep and lasting business relationships.’
Jonathan Wilson (left of photo) said: ‘I am very proud of the success that Robin and I, and our fantastic team, have achieved with Molson Group. I step away safe in the knowledge that the business will continue to thrive and grow in the coming years. I wish Robin and his team every success and will watch with interest as they continue on their journey.’
Mr Powell added: ‘We are well prepared for further growth and poised to thrive in a time of dynamic change in the industry. There are exciting developments afoot at Molson, too, with our sector-leading IT platform nearing maturity, pioneering fuel-efficient and electric vehicles, and our involvement with HS2.’