Board change at CRH

Group transformation director Maeve Carton to retire at the end of August 2017
CRH plc, the Dublin-based international building materials group, have announced that group transformation director Maeve Carton is to retire on 31 August 2017.
After joining CRH in 1988, Ms Carton held a number of senior financial roles prior to joining the board as finance director in May 2010. She was appointed group transformation director in January 2016.
Group chief executive Albert Manifold said: ‘As group transformation director, Maeve’s experience and insights have been invaluable as CRH underwent a period of significant change following the major acquisition activity in 2015.
‘Throughout her exemplary career with the Group, and particularly during her more than five years’ service as finance director, she has contributed to the development and progress of CRH, and we wish her every happiness in her retirement.’