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BLA Sustainable Development Report 2018

BLA SD Report

Latest British Lime Association report shows continuing progress with increased demand

THE British Lime Association (BLA) has published its 2018 Sustainable Development Report, which starts by highlighting how the UK lime sector has responded to improved conditions in the domestic market and the increased demand from the iron and steel sector in 2017. It also shows that exports of lime by BLA members have increased by 30% since 2006 and made up 26% of sales in 2017.

Following the launch of the MPA Charter in 2017, the British Lime Association (BLA) Sustainable Development Report is now set out to align with the seven MPA strategic priorities. In particular, the report highlights the positive contribution made by the lime industry in 2017 on Health and Safety, People, Resource Use, Climate Change and Energy, the Natural Environment, and Communicating Industry Value.


As well as being an essential material in many everyday items, lime is also critical to the delivery of the Government’s plans to build more homes and renew national transport and energy infrastructure, as well as repairing and maintaining local roads, schools and hospitals.

Richard Stansfield, chairman of the BLA, said: ‘I am proud of the continuing contribution that the lime sector makes to the UK economy, and our commitment to the high standards of environmental and safety performance that are demonstrated by our Sustainable Development Report. Lime is an essential material in so many supply chains and a thriving domestic lime industry remains vital to the UK.’

Other highlights within the 2018 report include:

  • Targeting Zero Harm to all employees and contractors – BLA members are justifiably proud of the health and safety improvements they have implemented over recent years and continue to focus on the Zero Harm target and to work collaboratively to achieve this ambition.
  • Engaging fully with local communities and striving to be a good neighbour – BLA members held 10 local community liaison meetings in 2017 and welcomed 472 visitors for liaison meetings, site tours, and visits.
  • Minimizing waste and maximizing re-use and recycling – All BLA members and associate members continue to minimize the waste they send to landfill, seeking recycling and recovery routes where possible.
  • Reducing emissions in accordance with the MPA carbon route maps and government objectives – BLA members and associate members manage CO2 emissions in accordance with the European Union Emissions Trading System (EUETS).
  • Minimizing and mitigating operational impacts – BLA members and associate members are regulated by the Environment Agency under the Environmental Permitting Regulations. As such, the sector implements the best available techniques for environmental protection and manufacturers comply with strict emission limits.

A copy of the BLA’s Sustainable Development Report 2018 can be downloaded below.


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