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AIA comments on National Audit Office report

David Giles, chair of the Asphalt Industry Alliance David Giles, chair of the Asphalt Industry Alliance

Asphalt Industry Alliance chair responds to report into the condition and maintenance of local roads in England

COMMENTING on the National Audit Office (NAO) report into the condition and maintenance of local roads in England, published today (23 July), David Giles, chair of the Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA), said: ‘The results of the National Audit Office report clearly echo those of our Annual Local Authority Road Maintenance (ALARM) survey reports across the years and confirm what we already know – the condition of our local roads is now at an all-time low and there are significant challenges ahead if we are to see significant improvements.

‘The report consistently refers to the results of our ALARM survey, highlighting its importance as a credible source of data, and the AIA welcomed the opportunity to provide information for review in this process.


‘The NAO report makes some strong recommendations for how the Department for Transport (DfT) can help improve its understanding of the condition of the network in England, its approach to funding, and its support and guidance for local authorities to help them deliver effective and efficient highways maintenance.

‘We stand by the calls made in our 2024 ALARM survey report for sustained, targeted, and accountable funding for local roads, which are complementary to those NAO recommendations. Without clarity on how much money will be made available over the life of this Parliament, as well as an effective ring-fence mechanism, local authorities will be unable to carry out the proactive maintenance required to improve conditions for the benefit of all road users.

‘Swift action needs to be taken and we look forward to working with the new Ministerial team at the DfT to support efforts to improve local road conditions and address the £14.4 billion carriageway maintenance backlog reported in England in this year’s ALARM survey.’ 


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