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S27 - Traffic Management

Over the last 15 years traffic management incidents have accounted for over 60% of fatalities on quarry and recycling sites.

Ensuring that you have a straightforward system for vehicle and pedestrian movements is very important. Having demarcation between site and public vehicles will help control this hazardous activity.

This procedure gives clear guidance on what to consider when undertaking a traffic management risk assessment. It breaks the risks down into four key areas:

  • The people
  • The equipment
  • The task and
  • The environment.

Using this four-stage process will take the control of traffic movements to a high level and help you achieve the HSE hard target of zero incidents by 2015.

What is this?

This is a written procedure which covers all aspects of the management and control of traffic within the workplace. A PDF of the procedure is available to download (see attached), please use it in conjunction with the attached Toolbox Talk.

What does the responsible manager need to do?

The responsible manager should:

  • Undertake a risk assessment identifying the hazards associated with traffic within his/her workplace.
  • Involve employees and/or their safety representatives in undertaking this risk assessment.
  • Decide whether the existing controls are adequate or if additional controls are required.
  • Ensure that all persons are given relevant information and instruction on the hazards and control measures associated with traffic management within the workplace.
  • Monitor and review the traffic arrangements on a periodic basis.

What to look for when carrying out a risk assessment

Section 1 – The people

  • Ensure that only trained and competent drivers operate vehicles.
  • Ensure they have received, and confirmed that they understand, any specific hauliers’ rules that should have been issued to them.
  • Ensure that any non-English speaking drivers employed have the rules communicated to them.
  • Ensure suitable signage is present at various locations on-site.

Section 2 – The equipment

  • Ensure that a suitable inspection regime is in place to maintain the vehicles.
  • Ensure the vehicles are fitted with the correct operating and security features (i.e. wipers, seatbelts, horns).
  • Make sure drivers carry out daily checks on their vehicles to identify minor faults.
  • Consider the installation of reversing cameras and/or alarms.

Section 3 – The task

  • Ensure that suitable arrangements are in place for allowing vehicles to reverse safely with the aid of a banksman.
  • Ensure sensible speed limits are in place.
  • Ensure areas are provided for safe sheeting, loading and unloading and that they are being used.
  • Ensure drivers check their loads prior to leaving the site.

Section 4 – The environment

  • Ensure vehicles and pedestrians are kept safely apart.
  • Ensure suitable crossing points for pedestrians are available on vehicle routes.
  • Ensure all vehicles can park in a suitable location when not in use.
  • Introduce a one-way system for traffic.
  • Make sure the haul roads are wide enough and the edge protection is high and secure.
  • Erect signage at various locations around the site.
  • Place fixed mirrors at locations which do not have good visibility.
  • Ensure drivers are aware of areas which can present a dust problem in windy conditions.
  • Ensure that a plan of the traffic movement is displayed at key points on-site?


  • Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work

This workplace procedure forms part of a Health & Safety Risk Management System for employers in the quarrying industry. The procedures, which cover a wide range of workplace risks and hazards, can be viewed here

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